Platform Lift for Goods and People DHX
The best option to lift goods and people in an only car.

The DHX platform is the best option to lift goods and people in an only car. One of the most remarkable features is that its installation is completely screwed, simplifying the carriage and assembly.
A custom made and a great comfort makes the DHX the best option for public or private uses, ideal for commercial establishments.
General Characteristics
- Travel and dimensions under order
- Non-skid oor
- Alarm button
- Temporized light
- Emergency light
- Braille and illuminated buttons
- Telephone
- 3 available car heights: 2200-2400-2600 mm
- Car nishes in RAL-7032 or stainless steel. Others under order
- Charge control by pressure switch
Technical Characteristics
- Maximum load: 2500 kg
- Maximum travel: 14 m (unlimited stops)
- Standard pit: 550 mm
- Power: 7,5 HP
- Speed: 0,13 m/s
- Three phase supply (230/400)
- Hydraulic unit with progressive valve, hand pump and security valve.
- Non-reprogrammable PCB
Security Systems
- Mechanical parachutes
- Hydraulic parachute valve
- Slack rope switch
- Emergency battery
- Automatic relevelling
- Temporized nal limit
- Alarm button
- Emergency light
- Electrical and mechanical nal limit
- Emergency STOP
- Pressure switch
- Remote control
- Manual landing doors
- Light ray safety edges (hold-to-run buttons)
- Telescopic doors car/landing (one-touch buttons)
- UPS system
- Silent generator group with automatic start
- Auto dialler
- Pawl devices
Platform according to Machinery Directive 2006/42-CE, Directive 2014/30/UE (electromagnetic compatibility) and Directive 2014/35/UE (low voltage)