Industrial Service Lift 1500-10000Kg DHD
Is made for minimum charges of 1500Kg until a maximum of 10000Kg

The hydraulic platform lift is made for minimum charges of 1500Kg until a maximum of 10000Kg. The DHD model have two support columms and cylinder. The platform is fixed to the columns by a central base. These solution allows to choose big platform charges and surface with security and efficacy, keeping two accesses. The cylinder like a security element installs parachute valve to block in case of broken the hydraulic conduction. With excess charge automatically acted a security valve.
General Characteristics
- Travel and dimensions under order
- Collection made up of two support columns in line or face to face
- Floor of platform made with nonslip sheet.
- Grip gear at stops
- Lateral wheels
- Plating
- Galvanized bath
- Inox wheels, pulleys, axle and rivets
- Floor doors
- Preassembled shaft electric installation
- Remote control
Platform lift made agreed a disposition of Machines Directive 2006/42-CE, Directive
2004/108/CE (Electromagnetic Compatibility) and Directive 2006/95/CE (Low Power)